Cherry Elvin Flatwork Clinic

12 Jun 21

Contact Cherry direct for details & to book

Facebook "Cherry Elvin"


Text 07971421409

It is a great time to get positive and encouraging help with your riding, the training of your horse or pony, and improving your test riding. 

All levels of horse and rider are welcome, from novice or nervous through to Advanced. I look forward to seeing all my regular clients again, and new clients will be very welcome. Lessons £45 including school hire. 

All Government guide lines, Hill House requirements regarding Covid 19 will be followed. To book in, please contact me to arrange the date and time, and to let me know if you want a specific test test to go through. Cherry Elvin BHSI, BA Hons, Dip. Ed. 

BD List 2A Dressage Judge BD 

UKCC Level 3 Accredited Coach 

BD Senior and Youth Assessor and Judge Contact: 07971421409, 01636 892957, or